READY TO RENT? Call us today!
Stop putting off that project, start today!
Looking for an equipment rental company that's reputable and affordable?
At JT Equipment Rentals we keep it simple, cost-effective, and convenient.
Mini Excavators
Bobcat E35- $35 per machine hour
Bobcat E55- $45 per machine hour
Mini Excavator Attachments
Track Loaders
$35 per machine hour
Track Loader Attachments
Daily Rate Rentals

Bobcat MT 55 with 42" Smooth Bucket
$150 per day

Trencher- $75
Grading Blade- $25
Root Grapple- $25
36" Tooth Bucket- $25
Harley Rake- $75
Pallet Forks- $25
Stump Bucket- $25
42" Smooth Bucket- Included

Barreto 30SG Stump Grinder
$190 per day

Generac MLT3060 Mobile Light Tower
$75 per day

PJ 7x12 Dump Trailer
$75 per day
We deliver!
For delivery details, please give us a call or fill out the form below.
Additional Items to Rent

Stihl BR600 Backpack Blower-
$30 per day
Stihl SG20 Backpack Sprayer-
$20 per day
Stihl MS362C Chainsaw 20” Bar- $30 per day

Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chainsaw 20” Bar- $25 per day
Mr Heater 210,000 BTU Kerosene Jet Heater- $20 per day
Stihl TS420 Concrete Saw-
$45 per day
Stihl FS 90 R Weed Eater with string and blade- $20 per day
Carlyle Tools 10 Ton Porta Power-
$40 per day

Spectra HV101 Laser Level-
$50 per day

Over Shoulder Seed Spreader-
$10 per day
Wheel Barrow- $10 per day

Craftsman 6.5HP 16 Gallon
Shop Vac- $25 per day
Ready to Rent?